Deportation of Jews from the Lodz ghetto.
On 16 Feb 08, Saturday, kid central channel has this Saturday night movie, "The Pianist". This is a long movie, almost took 3 and a half hours. I gave 6 stars ******to this show, because it is so realistic. But this is a very sad history.
This story was showing what happened in 1940 to 1945, the world war II period, when the German possessed Poland. How the German soldiers discriminated and tortured Jews populations! How they murder the 11 millions Polish, of which 6 millions were Jews and 5 millions was non Jews. (The figure extract from http://www.remember.org/forgotten/)It showed how this pianist from the closed knit family of 6 (parents, one brother and two sisters) and became the sole survivor in the world war II. How he was saved by his own jewish brother, the Polish friends, and a German Captain. How he witnessed his friends being killed under the gun. How the world turned to hell during the dark day.
In the show, the background building is exactly the same as the above picture. The cruelty of what human being can do to another human being. Imagine, one of the screen shown that the German marched to a Jews house, when all of them were having dinner round the dinning table. The German commented the Jews to stand up, all arised except one, because he was a cripple and weak, he was bounded by the wheel chair. Since he could not stand up, the German asked the soldiers to throw this man from the 4th stories down to the ground. And then they shoot the Jews one by one on the table. They are more cruelty in this show. It was breathless to watch this movie than any fighting show my son ever watched.
If you are interested to peek into the history of what happened in World War II, this show can give you a great deal of the ideas. If I have not watch this show, I was totally ignorance of this fact of life happen in 19939- 1945. Totally, totally not aware..................
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