Wednesday, June 20, 2007

A Child Called It

My girl has finished reading - A Child Called 'IT'. She has wanted to read this book since end of 2005. I finally reserved the book from the National Library during this June holiday. She said she has cried serveral times when she read the book, and even when she was eating a small piece of watermelon I cut for her, she felt so grateful and appreciate every things she has. She recommended me to read this book myself.

Well, I haven't started reading yet. The back cover said as follow.

"Dave Pelzer's remarkable journey from a child who lived in terror of his unstable, violently unpredictable mother's every move, to his emergence as an inspiration the world over is a remarkable tale of survival and the triumph of the human spirit over adversity.

Dave Pelzer's three volums of memoirs - A Child Call 'IT' , The Lost Boy and A Man Named Dave - brought this story of courage and triumph against all odds to the world, becoming global bestsellers. My story brings these volumes together, following Dave from a childhood spent in fear, his tempestuous teenage years haunted by the spectre of his mother, through to his adulthood, and his great achievement of not only understanding and reconciling the story of his own life, but his dedication to helping others overcome similar adversity."

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