Tonite, there was a Reiki sharing section organised by the Reiki master in Kennery Road. Penny invited me to go for this once a month sharing section.
We began with self introduction and briefly what is our relationship with Reiki. And each one of us pick a card and read out. It is the message for us. The master also explain the messag mean to us. Including the Master, there are 16 of us. We have a brief questions and answers section. Then for those who have not experience Reiki, can try out the Reiki section by those student already gone through at least Reiki Level 1. The master uses an instrument to tell us our body physical condition.
The master asks for our age and height, and key in the age eg 44 and height 1.64 into the instrument. Then we stand on the instrument. The machine will show the weight eg 67.9. and calculat the equivalant age of our body metalbolism, eg 49, it means my physical body is older than my actual age, the recommendation is to exercise at least 3 times a week to improve this problem. From the chart, she can tell what is our water intake, eg 45%. If the standard is 43% to 60%, it shown that our water intake is insufficient, we are recommended to drink more water, so that in future we can reach 60%. The chart can tell my tummy fat is 7, while the standard is 1.2% to 12%, it shown that I am too fat. The chart can also tell my bone structure is 2.7 while standard is 1.4 to 2.4. It means my bone is heavy.
One of the India lady is 67 years old, but her body metalbolism is 43, because she has done excercise like Yaga 3 times a week. And she exercise regularly. one of the guy is 42 years old, his body metalbolish is only 19. They are all younger than me
I am glad I have come for this gethering, I rise my awareness of my physical condition and I think I have to seriously take care of myself by doing regular exercise and watch out the diets.
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