Sunday, June 17, 2007

Humanity in Old China

Ever wonder how an illiterate can sponsor their children study oversea?

An 70 years old lady visited our shop. She is our old customer. We had some casual talk. We praise her that she has a husband and a daughter who care to escort her here for massage. She response with the statement, "I use my own money! I do not like to take money from him, and I won't give any money to him. I asked my children do not give any money to him. " We all wonder, why? Well, she had 9 children. She stayed with a difficult in law whose prefered boys than girls. She worked very hard for money, as her husband wages was not enough to raise the big family. She worked day and night, earning S$700/- a month as a laundry lady at her own home. Her business flew in by word of mouths, as she was capable of cleaning the clothes real clean. (The manager at that time only earned S$300/- a month) She worked as properties broker's operator at home though she is illiterate, it enable her to sponsor her children to further their study oversea!

She related that most older generation like her in law preference boys over girls. There was an old lady from China visited her neighbour whose has a few daughters. The old lady said to those girls, "If you were born in China, you were all be dead!" The old lady reveled that her husband used ashes to choke the baby to end their life. Her first two baby girls had the same faith. When her third baby girl was born. She adored her as she had rosy cheek and she was so sweet. She bet her husband to let her kept her third child. You know what? Her husband refused and insisted to go ahead the murder of the baby. They are childless eventually.
I heard the similar tales from my father, except that the girls were drown in the drain. It was an open secret in the old China in the 40'.

She said our government had made the mistake of controlling child birth in the 70'. She said the government will have to pay people to give birth. She believed China's one child policy will have the same consequence as Singapore eventually.

What an interesting conversation!

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