Thursday, December 6, 2007

Hair Extension

There is one new hair extension shop opened in Lucky Plaza by two China lady. Their main interest is to sell the extension hair. They also do the hair extension in the shop. Today, I chat with them, whether they teach, which I think they should, because if the hair extension is popular, their business will be booming.
Well, they do teach, you guess how much is the lesson..........S$680/-. They said they have to charge this fee, because all their customer charge at this rate. If they don't charge at this rate, they are consider undercut their customer, and their customers will be angry with them and don't buy stock from them. They have to keep the standard, so that they won't spoil the market.
I thought to let my girl learn the hair extension, but S$680/- ........ too much for me now, forget it.

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