Thursday, June 7, 2007

Lesson from the rich uncle

I have a rich uncle. He built a seven stories hotel near bugis without any loan from the bank. We visit him every year in the first day of the Chinese New Year and his birthday cerebration.
I am always curious how the immigrant from the mainland china, came to settle in Singapore can accumulate so much wealth in his lifetime. One day I sat next to him and asked him to reveal his secret. He only has one word for me "thrifty". At first I am not satisfy with the answer, but on 2nd thought it is the "true".
I remember for so many years when we visited his bungalow, there were leaking roofs were not repaired. Eventually, that land with the bungalow was sold for at least 12 millions to the bank.
"Thrifty" is a virtue that very hard to follow in this materialistic world today. Being "thrifty" will not able to make a person wealthy today, but I am sure, "thrifty" will help people get out of financial troubles and help to save some moneys and lead a comfortable life eventually.

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